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XR-31 Jericho Profile

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:29 am
by Jericho

== Mobile Suit Profile Sheet ==
Mobile Suit Name: XR-31 Jericho
Model Number: XXZA-3150
Appearance: Dark green and white with some hints of gold and black in coloring resembling a gundam in model detail.
Unit Type: Mass Production Heavy Fire Power Mobile Suit
Height: 18.02 meters
Weight: max gross weight 55.31 metric tons
Powerplant: TriCoil Ultra-compact Electric Battery = 33,000 KW
Accommodation: Pilot & Small compartment behind seat, in standard cockpit in torso
Propulsion: X2 Feet thrusters, X 3 Back thrusters [Power Pack]
Max Total Thrust Ratio: Is 15,000 pounds.
When in Flight Maneuvering: Very Good Maneuverability in Space, Medium Maneuverability In Atmospheric Conditions, Low Maneuverability Planet side.

={ Armor: Done in sections See below. }=
-Skeleton Core: Semi-Gundanium/Titanium Mix
-Inner Layer Armor: Titanium Alloy 30mm thick
-Outer Layer Armor: Kevlar/Ceramic Mix 20mm Thick
-Shielding Unit: Projects a Low End Deflection Shield over the Armor Plating which can deflect energy blasts ONLY until power runs out of the Shields Power Supply. Usually anywhere between 5-10 hits from a low yield rifle to 1-3 hits from a high yield.
= Shield: Titanium Core, Kevlar Shell = Attaches 70mm 5 Barrel Gattling gun, 500 round Box mag. {Attached to left arm}

Armaments: Done in Sections See below.
-{:Fixed armaments:}-
=[Right Shoulder] Twin Laser Cannons : Range depends on evironment. Space Infinite, Planet side 5,000 feet
=[Head] Twin Vulcan Machine Gun: 70mm
=[RIght/Left Legs] x3 Missile Pod/ 4 mini-missiles per pod total of 12L/12R : Detachable after use
=[Right/Left Hip] x2 Beam-Saber

Remote/Held Armaments:
-{: Optional hand armaments :}-
{Primary Option}
=XR-31 Beam Rifle
20 shots per E-Clip Rechargable
1 Extra Rechargable clip

{Secondary Option}
=XR-31 Long Winder 150mm Sniper Rifle Cannon
5 shots per clip
1 extra clip

Special Equipments and Features: See Below.
-{: Equipment and Design features :}-
=Basic Sensors: Range 1,500 Yards
=Raedion Shielding Core Unit 5,ooo kw
=Secondary Power Core for backup power 1,ooo kw
=ZSS, Zero Sigma System: The ZSS is an Advanced AI programmed into a Mobile Unit once it has been uploaded, usually through a Thumb Drive or Disc. Once programmed and linked with the Mobile Suit the AI can communicate with the Pilot through Verbal or HUD means. It does not grant any increased abilities to the pilots fighting power, unless you count it being able to warn the pilot when there is an incoming attack from another direction that the sensors have picked up. The ZSS can also take problems and situations into account and give the pilot it's best estimate solution.

Optional Equipments: Already done I believe but more can always be gotten through rp.