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Konn Vainte (Ranmyakki)

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 5:25 pm
by Ranmyakki
Full Name: Vainte, Konn
Codename: K
Age: 18y
Gender: Male
Race: Natural
Nationality: Canada, Ontario
Appearance: Hazel Green eyes, and neck length brown hair. Uniform - White, Civvy - Black Jeans, red zipper hooded clothe jacket and a white shirt
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 138
Personality: Calm, Seemingly cold hearted (but not at all)
Mobile Suit: Silver
Alliance/Faction: Three Ship Alliance (TSA)
Rank: Sergeant
Occupation: Training New Recruits and Defensive Tactics (fielded)
History: After the Earth Alliances declaration of war followed with a nuclear attack on the plants Konn decided it was time to get out of retirement... he was planning on joining ORB until he heard they joined the EA. He contacted his friend (who was a MS Pilot for the TSA) and asked for a chance to join... after a couple of days they accepted him.