Shitagane Akarui

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Shitagane Akarui

Post by KidRush »

Name:Shitagane Akarui

Other Names: Aka-kun/chan



Ranks: Genin

Positions: genin

Hidden Village: Sand


Clan Specialties: Metal working,weapons,earth jutsus[mothers side]

Specialties: Silver working, earth and wind jutsus


Clothings:She wears a loose midnight blue shirt with the kanji steel on it[her clan symbol] and a loose, black jacket over it. She also wears a pair of long black shorts and high black ninja sandels.Her Katana hangs off of her hip.


Scars:Thin long scars from training with her father.

Shoes: mid calf black ninja sandels.

Hair color:long jet black hair with silver highlights

Eye color:matallic blue

Hair length: mid calf/when doing missions in a bun

Accessories:one silver hoop earring on her left ear

Tools and Equipments:Standard ninja equipment

Jutsus:Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique,Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough,Dochuu Eigyo - Underground Fish Projection,Doro Gaeshi - Mud Overturn,Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique,Kanashibari no Jutsu - Temporary Body Paralysis Technique,Kawarimi no Jutsu - Change of Body Stance Technique,Retsudo Tenshou - Revolving Split Earth Palm,Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu - Double Suicide Decapitation Technique,Shunshin no Jutsu - Body Flicker Technique,Soushuuha - Manipulate Advancing Blades.

Other Infos: History: Akarui was raised in a small blacksmith and ninja supply store in suna. So she extremely skilled in ninja weapons and weapons in general. Her father was a ex-nin and had always had drinking problem[proboly why he's a ex now]. Her mother was a nin also and quit for the sake of her father. Her father had always wanted a son and treated her like a boy.[most likely the reason she has such horrible manners] He taught her the ways of the ninja and made her pick up his slack at the shop.[when I say slack I mean all of the work] She forged her own blade, Hissatsu, after she saw him strike her mother. The blade had barely touched his throat before it was slit. She was never penilized for her fathers death.[no one liked him....]

Akarui has a heart shaped face and long jet black hair with silver highlights. Her eyes are a matallic blue and she has cupid bow lips. She is extremely tan from years of working in her fathers blacksmith shop and has an excellent build and a curvy body.She always has a sweet innocent look about her that throws off other ninja, and always wears a smile even while killing.She's a smart-ass and has sucky manners. She loves her mother and would do any thing to protect her. She also didn't have many friends growing up.[by many I mean none]

Species: Human

Weapons:4'6 katana-Hissatsu[means certain kill]/kunai

Blood Color: crimson with a metellic glitter

Blood Type: O-

Chakra Color: navy blue silver mixed in

Chakra Level: 5 on a 1-10 scale

Weakness: She couldn't do a water jutsu to save her life, she can run extremely fast, but is easily winded, and she tends to completely ignore her morals in times of crisis.

Relations: Mother[ Hikari Kagome], father[Shitagane Shino], other clan members reside in leaf
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